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OLD FITZ - Sydney - June, 2015 

BACKSPACE, THEATRE ROYAL - Hobart - 31 May  - 4 June, 2016 

C PRIMO, Hill St - Edinburgh 4 August - 28 August, 2017 


Producer, Director & Designer - Kate Gaul

Performed by Thomas Campbell 

And the voices of - Deborah Galanos, Briallen Clarke

Josef Ber, Maggie Blinco, Madeline Baghurst, Peter Eyers,  

Eliza Logan, George Kemp, Jane Phegan


Composer & Sound Designer - Nate Edmondson 

Lighting Design  - Hartley T A Kemp

Dialect Coach - Natasha McNamara 

Lighting Assistant - Louise Mason

Stage Fight Advisor - Deigo A R Melo

Makeup Advisor - Rachel Dal Santo

SYDNEY THEATRE CRTICIS AWARDS - Winner: Best Actor (Thomas Campbell) , Winner: Best Lighting Design (Hartley T A Kemp) , Winner: Best Composition & Sound Design (Nate Edmondson), Nominated Best Director & Best Production (Kate Gaul) 

"… this production ... is perfect in almost every regard. … all the elements combine in the tiny theatre to create something unexpectedly moving and overwhelming."  Ben Neutze Daily Review - Crikey

Photographer Lucy Parakhina

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Siren Theatre Co acknowledges  the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as Australia’s First Peoples and traditional owners of the land on which we create and share stories, and pay respect to elders past, present and future.

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